Turkiye’s Interest in Eurofighter Continues

Turkiye’s Interest in Eurofighter Continues

Turkish Minister of Defence Yaşar Güler has made statements regarding the process for Eurofighter fighter jets to CNN Türk. Yaşar Güler underlined that the interest in the multi-nationally developed Eurofighter continues, but resistance from Germany against the sale also does: “Eurofighter doesn’t only belong to our German friends. We want such aircraft, and our German friends are stuck on some subjects we cannot accept as NATO members. We always state this. I believe this will be solved shortly, and approval of Eurofighter sales to Saudi Arabia might be a starting point.” Güler stated that Turkiye would be content to see Greece having an F-35. “As a NATO member, we would be pleased if Greece acquired F-35s.” When questioned about the F-35's domination as a 5th-generation fighter, Güler continued, “F-35 is not a capacity on its own in the Aegean Sea against Turkiye. I take this as an insult against the Turkish Armed Forces. Having an F-35 does not provide air domination. This is unacceptable. Our fighter jet KAAN is on the way, and it is still uncertain where the F-35 subject will go with the U.S. We do not wish bad relations with any of our friends, but this does not mean we will forget our national interests.” In addition to the F-16 Block 70 fighter jets and modernisation kits sale approved by the U.S. State Department, Turkiye is looking for more fresh aircraft. Due to its multi-role capabilities and compliance with NATO equipment, Eurofighter Typhoon has recently drawn interest. Against Germany’s negative attitudes, the U.K. has a warmer approach on the subject.