TUSAŞ Exported Three ANKA UAVs to Kazakhstan

TUSAŞ Exported Three ANKA UAVs to Kazakhstan

In December of last year, Turkish Aerospace Industries Inc. (TUSAŞ) shipped the first national, original, and domestically developed aircraft to Tunisia, selling three ANKA UAV systems for approximately $80 million. In recent weeks, TUSAŞ made the first delivery to Tunisia. Following this announcement, TUSAŞ shipped its second ANKA to Kazakhstan.

Discussions between Turkey and Kazakhstan began at KADEX 2014. TUSAŞ and Kazarnaulyexport (Kazspecexport) agreed to the deal and was inked last October. The Kazakhstan Armed Forces will get three Medium Altitude Long Endurance (MALE) ANKA UAV systems. Kazakhstan is the world's largest landlocked country and the ninth-largest in the world. It is nearly the size of all of Western Europe.

On the other hand, the population is less than 20 million people, with the majority of them residing in cities; the steppes, on the other hand, are mainly uninhabited. Russia borders the nation from the north; Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, and Kyrgyzstan are located south, and China on the east. In addition, the nation has coasts on the Caspian Sea and the Aral Sea. The nation has an exceedingly harsh climate and a tough soil structure to control by land. ANKA has been in negotiations for a long time for these vast regions requiring a small population to patrol. The most significant benefits of ANKA were its weather-resistant equipment, great carrying capacity, and ability to work across a large region owing to SatCom.