TUSAŞ to deliver Six Hürkuş to TuAF

TUSAŞ to deliver Six Hürkuş to TuAF

Turkish Aerospace (TUSAŞ) CEO Temel Kotil stated that they would deliver six Hürkuş aircraft to the Air Force Command in February. Two Atak helicopters produced for the Philippines will be sent on Saturday.

President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan attended the ceremony for TUSAŞ Turkish Fighter Aircraft (TF-X) Engineering Centre, the Composite Production Building and 16 factories to operate in the Aerospace Industrial Zone (HAB). The New Investments Collective Opening Ceremony was held.

TUSAŞ to deliver Six Hürkuş to TuAF

Kotil said that the TF-X Engineering Centre would host 2,300 engineers when it is completed. He added that 1300 engineers, 1000 from TUSAŞ and 300 from other Turkish defence and aerospace companies, are already working on the project. Kotil said that this number would increase to 2,000 by the end of next year, and 1000 technicians will be included in the team to construct the hangar. Kotil, "3 thousand people will work in these facilities to build the TF-X," he said.

TUSAŞ to deliver Six Hürkuş to TuAF

Pointing out that the wind tunnel to be completed by the end of this year will be the second-largest wind tunnel in Europe, Kotil noted that this facility would serve all projects in Turkey.

Noting that they made 69 deliveries in the attack helicopter, Kotil said, "two helicopters are going to be sent to the Philippines on Saturday. We exported a total of six helicopters. The helicopter weighing 11 tons and carrying 1-ton ammunition will take off in the 100th year." he said.

TUSAŞ to deliver Six Hürkuş to TuAF