One Company Three Milestones

One Company Three Milestones
TUSAS’ indigenous fighter jet TF performed its ground tests yesterday. The advanced jet training and light attack aircraft Hürjet has started performing ground tests recently. Kotil shared two photos from each platform, showing on trials. One Company Three MilestonesHe also shared the first photo of the ANKA-3 stealth Unmanned Combat Aerial Vehicle (UCAV), stating that it will perform its maiden flight soon. The geometry of ANKA-3 was known as the company shared its render images, but this is an actual photo showing a materialised version. ANKA-3’s MTOW will be approximately 7 tons, and its cruise speed will be 0,7 Mach, 857 km/h.One Company Three MilestonesKotil indicated that the Atak-2 T929 twin-engine, Multirole heavy attack helicopter will run its engine soon. According to TUSAŞ’s e-magazine volume 132, two TV3-117VMA-SBM1V-017 Turboshaft engines reached TUSAŞ facility on January 27, 2023. The helicopter is designed for attack, Electronic Warfare (E/W) and reconnaissance missions in all-weather environments in day and night conditions. T929 Heavy Duty Attack Helicopter is conceived as a combination of T129 ATAK and T625 general purpose helicopter. T625 Utility Helicopter Project subsystems such as transmission, rotor systems, and landing gears are used in the helicopter. The helicopter is built with technological know-how and operational experience gained from T129 ATAK Helicopter Project.