Kotil Confirmed the Hürkuş Sale to Niger

Kotil Confirmed the Hürkuş Sale to Niger

TUSAŞ released a video message exclusive to TUSAŞ employees. General Manager Kotil congratulated the TUSAŞ staff for their hard work and success at the seven-minute-long video. He sent his best wishes to the families and relatives of TUSAŞ employees who passed away last year. He also mentioned what success they achieved in 2021 and expected in 2022. Manager Kotil stated that they are attending a tender in Malaysia to produce 18 Hürjet for the country. He also underlined that Niger had bought Hürkuş from TUSAŞ. President Erdoğan had mentioned the sale earlier, but TUSAŞ had no official statement. This video marks the official export declaration as well, as Niger becomes the first export customer of Hürkuş aircraft.