TEI has an engine surprise for Kızılelma

TEI has an engine surprise for Kızılelma
Turkish Armed Forces Foundation (TSKGV) visited the facility on June 6th. The delegation headed by the President of the Defence Industry Agency, Ismail Demir, met the surprise. President of TEI and General Manager Mahmut F. Akşit presented the mockup of the TEI-TF6000 Turbofan engine. TEI stated that they conducted the design works for two years and that the engine is now in the prototype production phase. The engine will produce 6.000 lbs trust and reach 10.000 lbs thrust with an afterburner. TEI stated that the motor could be used on air and naval platforms.TEI has an engine surprise for KızılelmaThe engine will produce a trust similar to Ivchenko Progress and Motor Sich’s AI-322F engine. The engine was planned to be used at Baykar Technogy’s MIUS (Kızılelma) Combat Unmanned Aircraft System. The engine is also suitable for the Turkish Aerospace ( TUSAŞ) Hürjet Project. According to the TEI’s statement, the engine might also work on supersonic platforms.Baykar and Ivchenko-Progress had signed in November 2021 at SahaExpo2021 AI-322F Turbofan Engine Supply and AI-25TLT Turbofan Engine Integration contracts.TEI has an engine surprise for KızılelmaTEI has an engine surprise for KızılelmaBaykar began working on MİUS in 2013. According to Baykar Chief of technology Selçuk Bayraktar’s comments. The platform will have an endurance of five hours. It will fly at an altitude of 40,000 feet. MIUS is expected to have a cruising speed of 0.8 Mach.MİUS will have a payload and missile capacity of close to 1.5 tons. It will be able to carry air-to-air, mini smart ammunition, and cruise missiles and will be able to hold its missile at the inner bay to reduce its radar cross section.TEI has an engine surprise for KızılelmaThe AI-25TLT turbofan engine was expected to be installed in the MİUS A model, while the AI-322F turbofan engine was expected to be installed in the MİUS B model.TEI has an engine surprise for Kızılelma